Enchanting Bouquet: Blue Roses and Ferrero Rocher


An explosion of elegance and sweetness in a single gesture!

This refined bouquet combines the mysterious beauty of blue roses with the delicacy of Ferrero Rocher chocolates, creating a perfect gift for any special occasion.

Blue roses, symbols of mystery, uniqueness, and unreachable desires, intertwine with the delicious chocolates, offering a unique experience that will captivate the heart of the recipient.

A gift that conveys love, class, and sweetness, ideal for an anniversary, a birthday, or simply as a thoughtful gesture for someone special.

Standart Size: 9 blue roses, 8 Ferrero Rocher
Special Size: 13 blue roses, 16 Ferrero Rocher
Luxury Size: 18 blue roses, 24 Ferrero Rocher



An explosion of elegance and sweetness in a single gesture!

This refined bouquet combines the mysterious beauty of blue roses with the delicacy of Ferrero Rocher chocolates, creating a perfect gift for any special occasion.

Blue roses, symbols of mystery, uniqueness, and unreachable desires, intertwine with the delicious chocolates, offering a unique experience that will captivate the heart of the recipient.

A gift that conveys love, class, and sweetness, ideal for an anniversary, a birthday, or simply as a thoughtful gesture for someone special.

Standart Size: 9 blue roses, 8 Ferrero Rocher
Special Size: 13 blue roses, 16 Ferrero Rocher
Luxury Size: 18 blue roses, 24 Ferrero Rocher


  • The picture shows the luxury version of the product.
  • The delivery is always free and it is carried out by our florists and/or confectioners.


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