Blue Flowers

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  • 0 out of 5

    Enchanting Bouquet: Blue Roses and Ferrero Rocher


    An explosion of elegance and sweetness in a single gesture!

    This refined bouquet combines the mysterious beauty of blue roses with the delicacy of Ferrero Rocher chocolates, creating a perfect gift for any special occasion.

    Blue roses, symbols of mystery, uniqueness, and unreachable desires, intertwine with the delicious chocolates, offering a unique experience that will captivate the heart of the recipient.

    A gift that conveys love, class, and sweetness, ideal for an anniversary, a birthday, or simply as a thoughtful gesture for someone special.

    Standart Size: 9 blue roses, 8 Ferrero Rocher
    Special Size: 13 blue roses, 16 Ferrero Rocher
    Luxury Size: 18 blue roses, 24 Ferrero Rocher

  • 0 out of 5

    Chic and Refined: Blue Roses and White Gerberas


    An elegant and delicate bouquet, perfect for celebrating the arrival of a baby boy.

    The blue roses, symbolizing strength and serenity, perfectly complement the white gerberas, representing purity and freshness.

    This bouquet is ideal for welcoming a new life with a touch of refinement and class.

    Perfect for a birth gift, this bouquet expresses love and joy, carrying with it wishes of happiness and serenity for the newborn and their family.

    A tribute that combines elegance and sweetness, making every moment even more memorable.

    Standart Size: 2 roses, 5 gerberas
    Special Size: 3 roses, 7 gerberas
    Luxury Size: 5 roses, 9 gerberas

  • 5.00 out of 5

    Enchanting Colors: Bouquet of Blue Roses and Pink Roses


    Gift this enchanting bouquet, composed of blue roses and pink roses.

    The blue roses, symbols of mystery and originality, unite with the sweetness and affection of the pink roses, which represent love, gratitude, and joy.

    This unique combination of colors creates a message of elegance and innovation, perfect for any occasion, from celebrating a special love to expressing appreciation for a friend.

    Each rose is carefully selected to ensure freshness and beauty, bringing a touch of color and sophistication to any environment. This bouquet is ideal for embellishing the home, celebrating anniversaries or birthdays, or simply surprising someone dear with a gesture full of meaning. Giving this bouquet means expressing deep emotions and sincere appreciation, making every moment unforgettable.

    Base Format: 5 pink roses + 3 blue roses

    Medium Format: 7 pink roses + 4 blue roses

    Luxury Format: 9 pink roses + 6 blue roses

  • 5.00 out of 5

    Passion and Mystery: Bouquet of Blue and Red Roses


    Discover the extraordinary beauty of this bouquet, composed of blue roses and red roses.

    The blue roses, symbols of mystery, originality, and unreachable dreams, pair perfectly with the red roses, icons of deep love and passion.

    This unique combination of colors creates a powerful message of emotional intensity and charm, making the bouquet ideal for any occasion, from romantic celebrations to strong gestures of affection for friends and family.

  • 5.00 out of 5

    Mimosa Sapphire


    Send a beautiful blue rose with mimosa flowers.
    This bouquet is the best gift for your special woman.

  • 5.00 out of 5

    Sea Foam


    Send this wonderful bouquet with blue iris, white roses and little white flowers.

  • 5.00 out of 5

    Blu Roses + 1 RedRose Heart


    Send this beautiful heart shaped arrangement with 29 blue roses + 1red rose

    This stunning blue flower looks amazing.
    You will find that with this floral meaning, you are sending compliments to the recipient and it also shows that you appreciate their friendship.

  • 5.00 out of 5

    100 Roses – Between Rubies and Sapphire


    Beautiful bouquet consisting of 99 red roses + a blue rose in the center of the bouquet.

    “Between Rubies and Sapphire”, this bouquet will surprise anyone!

  • 5.00 out of 5

    Sun and Blue


    Send this nice bouquet with iris, roses and gerberas.

    Perfect to celebrate a special occasion.

  • 5.00 out of 5

    25 Blue Roses


    Add a love touch to your special day with this simply gorgeous 25 blue roses bouquet.

    An amazing gift for any occasion.

  • 5.00 out of 5

    Blue Rose


    Send a beautiful blue rose.

    The blue rose represents uniqueness as it is a color of rose that nature has not been able to create.

  • 5.00 out of 5

    Red and Blue


    Send this romantic bouquet with fresh red roses, blue iris and purple statice.

    A unique way to say ‘I Love You’,

  • 0 out of 5

    Bunch Blue Iris


    Send the beauty of these special iris flowers to the home of a friend or loved one.

  • 0 out of 5

    Stars In The Sky


    Bouquet with white lilies, blue iris or other blue flower and seasonal purple flowers.

    Send flowers to celebrate today’s special occasion.

  • 5.00 out of 5

    100 Blue Roses


    Celebrate a special occasion by lighting up the day with a delivery of a bouquet of 100 Blue Roses.

  • 0 out of 5

    Sky And Sun


    A bouquet with white lilies, yellow roses and blue flowers to complement, green decorative.

    This bouquet is available for delivery today.

  • 5.00 out of 5

    Sky Kisses


    Bouquet with 12 blue roses, green and a package of Baci Perugina

    The blue Rose symbolizes sentiments like loyalty, faithfulness and truth.

  • 5.00 out of 5

    Basket of 15 Blue Roses

  • 5.00 out of 5

    12 Blue Roses


    Bouquet with 12 blue roses, green and blue wrap

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