Discover the extraordinary beauty of this bouquet, composed of blue roses and red roses.
The blue roses, symbols of mystery, originality, and unreachable dreams, pair perfectly with the red roses, icons of deep love and passion.
This unique combination of colors creates a powerful message of emotional intensity and charm, making the bouquet ideal for any occasion, from romantic celebrations to strong gestures of affection for friends and family.
Discover the extraordinary beauty of this bouquet, composed of blue roses and red roses.
The blue roses, symbols of mystery, originality, and unreachable dreams, pair perfectly with the red roses, icons of deep love and passion.
This unique combination of colors creates a powerful message of emotional intensity and charm, making the bouquet ideal for any occasion, from romantic celebrations to strong gestures of affection for friends and family.
The picture shows the special version of the product.
The delivery is always free and it is carried out by our florists and/or confectioners.
🚚🎄 Holiday Notice 🎄🚚
All orders placed after 2:00 PM on December 24, 2024, will be shipped starting from December 27 and the following days. Fioriflor wishes you all a Merry Christmas ! 🎅🎁
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