The “Essence and Cinnamon” bouquet is a refined and warm composition that blends elegant flowers and festive decorations in an explosion of colors and captivating fragrances. Red roses and red gerberas harmoniously intertwine, accompanied by decorative greenery, cinnamon sticks, and Christmas ornaments such as red balls or other available colors, creating a cozy and festive atmosphere, perfect for celebrating the most magical time of the year.
The red gerbera, with its simple and genuine beauty, represents sincere, modest, and calm love. A flower that conveys a sense of tranquility and deep affection, making every moment even more special and heartfelt.
The red rose, the ultimate symbol of passionate love, devotion, and admiration, adds a touch of passion and perfection to this composition. Its presence in this bouquet expresses the beauty and strength of an eternal, unbreakable love that defies time and circumstances.
Cinnamon, with its warm and enveloping scent, evokes the atmosphere of the holidays, giving a touch of sweetness and nostalgia that makes this bouquet an ideal gift for Christmas, anniversaries, or any special occasion where love, affection, and warmth are to be conveyed. A perfect blend of tradition, beauty, and symbolism that transforms any space into a place of celebration and harmony.
- The picture shows the special version of the product.
- The delivery is always free and it is carried out by our florists and/or confectioners.
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