Give the gift of this vibrant bouquet of orange and pink tulips, designed to celebrate special moments or brighten up your day. Each tulip is carefully selected to create the perfect contrast between the warmth of orange and the softness of pink, offering a blend of elegance and freshness. It’s an ideal gift for anyone who loves lively colors and the delicate scents of spring, perfect for adding a touch of natural beauty to any space.
Bouquet Meaning:
Orange and pink tulips combine meanings that convey positive energy and affection. Orange symbolizes enthusiasm, happiness, and vitality, while pink represents affection, sweetness, and admiration. This bouquet is ideal for expressing gratitude, friendship, and sincere love, making it the perfect gift to celebrate true bonds and bring wishes of joy and serenity. Gifting these tulips is a unique way to share warmth and affection in a colorful gesture.
Basic Size: 9 tulips
Medium Size: 13 tulips
Luxury Size: 17 tulips
- The picture shows the special version of the product.
- The delivery is always free and it is carried out by our florists and/or confectioners.
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