A perfect combination of the intensity of red roses and the delicacy of pink carnations, this bouquet is an explosion of elegance and emotions.
Ideal for celebrating special moments such as anniversaries, birthdays, or giving a gift that speaks of love and affection.
Each petal of this bouquet tells a story of passion and sweetness, making it the perfect gift for those who want to express authentic emotions with style.
The red rose is traditionally associated with love, but it also symbolizes joy, beauty, admiration, devotion, passion, energy, and inner strength.
The carnation represents dignity, virtue, and nobility.
In the language of flowers, it expresses ardent and passionate love.
Standart Format: 3 red roses, 2 pink carnations Special Format: 5 red roses, 3 pink carnations Deluxe Format: 7 red roses, 5 pink carnations
A perfect combination of the intensity of red roses and the delicacy of pink carnations, this bouquet is an explosion of elegance and emotions.
Ideal for celebrating special moments such as anniversaries, birthdays, or giving a gift that speaks of love and affection.
Each petal of this bouquet tells a story of passion and sweetness, making it the perfect gift for those who want to express authentic emotions with style.
The red rose is traditionally associated with love, but it also symbolizes joy, beauty, admiration, devotion, passion, energy, and inner strength.
The carnation represents dignity, virtue, and nobility.
In the language of flowers, it expresses ardent and passionate love.
Standart Format: 3 red roses, 2 pink carnations Special Format: 5 red roses, 3 pink carnations Deluxe Format: 7 red roses, 5 pink carnations
The picture shows the Deluxe version of the product.
The delivery is always free and it is carried out by our florists and/or confectioners.
🚚🎄 Holiday Notice 🎄🚚
All orders placed after 2:00 PM on December 24, 2024, will be shipped starting from December 27 and the following days. Fioriflor wishes you all a Merry Christmas ! 🎅🎁
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