Discover the magic of Christmas with our elegant bouquet The colors of Christmas, a charming combination of Poinsettias and White Roses.
This bouquet is a tribute to the beauty of the holidays, perfect for decorating your home or gifting to a special person.
Poinsettias: These symbolic flowers are synonymous with celebration and joy, representing love and rebirth. Their vibrant red hue adds a touch of warmth and color, bringing a festive atmosphere to any space.
White Roses: Symbol of purity and eternal love, the white roses beautifully complement the bouquet, imparting timeless elegance and delicate freshness. Their enveloping fragrance and refined appearance make this bouquet an ideal gift for the holidays.
Perfect for: Christmas decorations, gifts for friends and family, or simply to add a touch of beauty to your environment during the Christmas celebrations.
Available from 8 December until 7 January.
- The picture shows the special version of the product.
- The delivery is always free and it is carried out by our florists and/or confectioners.
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