You’re Special! – Red and White Roses Bouquet

5.00 out of 5
(1 customer review)


A bouquet that combines the overwhelming passion of red roses with the delicate purity of white roses.

A perfect balance of contrasting emotions, where eternal love and sincerity meet in an elegant and sophisticated composition.

Ideal for celebrating love in all its forms, this bouquet is perfect for anniversaries, weddings, or unforgettable moments.

Each flower tells a story of elegance and affection, making it a gift that will remain in the heart of the recipient.

Standart Format: 3 red roses + 2 white roses
Special Format: 4 red roses + 3 white roses
Deluxe Format: 5 red roses + 4 white roses



A bouquet that combines the overwhelming passion of red roses with the delicate purity of white roses.

A perfect balance of contrasting emotions, where eternal love and sincerity meet in an elegant and sophisticated composition.

Ideal for celebrating love in all its forms, this bouquet is perfect for anniversaries, weddings, or unforgettable moments.

Each flower tells a story of elegance and affection, making it a gift that will remain in the heart of the recipient.

Standart Format: 3 red roses + 2 white roses
Special Format: 4 red roses + 3 white roses
Deluxe Format: 5 red roses + 4 white roses


  • The picture shows the deluxe version of the product.
  • The delivery is always free and it is carried out by our florists and/or confectioners.

1 review for You’re Special! – Red and White Roses Bouquet

  1. Italian
    5 out of 5


    La persona che ha ricevuto ci ha confermato che i fiori erano splendidi.
    Grazie fioriflor, consiglio a tutti

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